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Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk

Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk. The transition to working remotely happened suddenly. With prior experience and policies in place, the pandemic forced many businesses employees to adjust to a work-from-home environment. Thankfully, individuals quickly began adapting to the new procedures, and some even discovered how much they valued their increased flexibility.
However, everything isn’t sunshine and rainbows because troubleshooting tech issues is still one aspect of remote work that many people find frightening and unsettling.
It’s simple to submit a ticket to your IT department when everyone is in the office, and they will appear at your desk to fix any problems. But if everyone is working remotely or if your IT company operates off-site, you’ll quickly discover that fixing common tech problems by yourself might be the quickest route to getting back on track.
As far as potentially resolving the issue goes, this will be the fastest response, according to ITS San Francisco Technical Sales Engineer Kyle Ramirez. “I think in the same amount of time that it may take you to call the helpdesk, you may actually be able to run through some self-help steps and resolve that issue yourself.”
However, how exactly are you able to accomplish this? Fear not—we are here to assist.
ITS has assisted hundreds of companies in managing their IT, regardless of whether their staff members are based on-site or remotely. Our own experience as a distributed workforce indicates that knowing how to fix simple computer problems on your own can save money and time. But, there are situations where consulting an expert is necessary.
This post will help you learn how to troubleshoot some common tech problems on your own and what to do in the event that you are unable to do so. We’ll talk about the following to achieve that:
Methods for Resolving Technical Problems.Common Problems and Their Solutions

 Procedures for Resolving Technical Problems

Some of you may contend that contacting the help desk for technical support is precisely what you’re paying for. It is accurate to say that your tech support team or IT company will be happy to assist you with any technical problems you may encounter. That being said, some of your problems may take longer to fix if your tech support is located remotely.
It could take an hour for support to respond if you have a small tech issue that needs to be considered urgent. Being able to solve simple problems on your own can help you save a lot of time. Before contacting a specialist, you could do the following actions:

Prioritize the Easiest Solutions First

When you run into a technical problem, it’s easy to get panicked and overcomplicate the issue out of stress. Rather, make an effort to relax and start by solving the most straightforward problems. If your CPU or monitor abruptly stops working, for instance, see if any of the cables are plugged in correctly. By resolving this, you can avoid wasting time waiting for assistance for a problem that you can handle on your own.

Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk

Attempt to restart

The advice to restart your computer has been around for so long that it’s almost become a meme. If the problem is minor, restarting a frozen app or rebooting your device can help restore it to its original state. But Ramirez cautions that it has limitations. Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk.
“You can try to resolve the issue with some wide system changes like a computer restart, but you’re not going to understand why the issue is happening,” he stated. “It’s the fastest way to just kind of sweep the issue under the rug and move on, hoping that it was small enough without you needing to address the real issue,” Ramirez said.
Additionally, he clarified that in order to address the issue, if it keeps coming up properly, it would be best to contact the helpdesk.

Take Note of the Error Notification.

You have likely encountered windows that appear and provide you with an error code or an explanation of the type of error that occurred. It’s important to take note of this information since it may direct you toward the best fix for the problem.

Consult Your Coworkers

Try asking your team if anyone has previously dealt with a similar issue once you have the error code or name. Although crowdsourcing solutions might only sometimes produce the best results, if you are lucky, you can solve the problem quickly.

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Remain composed and conduct research.

Tech manufacturers provide official online resources to assist you in troubleshooting their products.
Google your problem, Ramirez advised. “If there’s an error message, you can type the message into your search engine, and often you’ll see individuals who have similar issues if not the same problem,” he said.
You could then look at the actions they took to fix it, Ramirez continued. Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk.
It’s also acceptable if you don’t feel comfortable taking those actions. That’s the purpose of the help desk,” Ramirez said.

Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk

Recognize Your Limitations

It’s critical to understand that it’s acceptable to seek help if you can’t handle a problem on your own. If you’re not sure that you know how to fix your device, don’t try; you could make things worse. Understanding your technological limitations will enable your IT staff to support your company more effectively.

Typical Technical Problems and Their Solutions

You will encounter technical issues whether you’re at home or the office. Check out some of the most prevalent tech problems and their solutions to give you the tools you need to get back on track.

sluggish internet

There are numerous reasons why the internet might need to be faster or more consistent, ranging from your provider’s low bandwidth to your proximity to the router. To solve it, the process of elimination will undoubtedly be needed.
Resetting your router might be necessary to see if it resolves the problem. If not, attempt to relocate the problematic devices in closer proximity to it to determine whether router placement is the issue. It’s also possible that your router switches between different wifi channels. For information on how to move to a different channel that might be less crowded, consult the handbook. Another option is to use an Ethernet cable to connect your PC straight to your broadband modem.
Ask your children for assistance if you’re working from home and you need help completing the above steps. Although it may sound absurd, they most likely have more knowledge than you about making sure the home is equipped with wifi. Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk.
“The key here is to understand the pieces of equipment that your internet runs off at home,” Ramirez stated. “I think everybody should be more self-sufficient or have more awareness of the network equipment in their home or offices and how to restart it.”

Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk

sluggish computer

Examine the typical suspects. Check to see if your gadget is overheating. If so, it may overheat and run slower as a result. Additionally, you can verify that all of your software is current. Errors caused by outdated software may impair the functionality of your device. Should it continue to operate slowly, you may need to perform some spring cleaning by removing redundant apps and files, as well as bloatware, to make room on the disk.
Performing a virus scan is an additional action you can take. Malware, spyware, and viruses can cause your device to lag terribly.

App Errors and Crashes

Try closing and reopening the app to see if that resets it. It could be a small bug that doesn’t need to be fixed. On the other hand, if your app crashes and you haven’t updated it, it’s probably broken and needs an update. Go online and look for official resources, if nothing else. Tech support or others who have gone through similar experiences may have solutions. Self-Help IT Advice to Fix Problems Without Calling the Help Desk.

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Need Assistance Keeping Up With Technology?

Knowing the fundamentals of troubleshooting can help you and your team get back on track, whether they are working remotely or on-site. However, feel free to contact tech support if you run into problems that require professional assistance. They are proficient at what they do.
We can assist you in decreasing technology-related problems for your remote workers. We at ITS have years of experience assisting companies with dispersed workforces in managing their technology.


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